Supporting the Friends of the BCPA helps maintain our facility and programming to the highest quality. With your donation we can offer a unique professional theater environment to the students of Brighton Area Schools, while continuing to bring in world renowned entertainment. THANK YOU!
Levels of Membership
Benefactor $1,000+
Includes 4 tickets to 1 BCPA event in the current season, invites to special Friend events, and listing in season program.
Patron $500+
Includes 2 tickets to 1 BCPA event in the current season, invites to special Friend events, and listing in season program.
Donor $100+
Includes 1 ticket to 1 BCPA event in the current season, invites to special Friend events, and listing in season program.
Friend $25+
Includes invites to special Friend events, and listing in season program.

At the BCPA, we love our volunteers and we couldn't do what we do without them. We are always in need of ushers, concession help and a variety of other volunteer opportunities are available. Please contact Ken at to get on our volunteer list.